Alisi Telengut at Videonale 19, Germany
"With each work, a new window is opened to the diverse range of contemporary productions from the field of video art and moving images. The themes are as varied as they are relevant to the present, reflecting the current situation in the world as well as drawing attention to the private and little elucidated niches of the collective consciousness."
Felicity Tayler in "Must-Sees of the Week" by Canadian Art
"Coinciding with the 150th anniversary of Confederation of Canada and the 375th of the settlement of Montréal, this exhibition presents "White Butterfly", a series of works on paper, collage, and installations produced by the artist between 2006 and 2015, during the Harper years." - Canadian Art
Corinne Beaumier featured in L'Atelier
"Une dizaine d’enfants étaient haut perchés sur les épaules de leurs parents dans un petit local, rue Atwater. D’autres courraient, d’autres pointaient du doigt de délicates photographies accrochées aux murs de la galerie Z Art Space. C’est exacte- ment ce genre d’atmosphère conviviale que la jeune photographe Corinne Beaumier a voulu insuffler à sa première exposition photo offerte depuis vendredi à Montréal." - Pascale Armellin-Ducharme
Self/Portrait/Text featured in
Vie des arts
"In this interesting experiment, art historians worked directly with emerging artists in the production of the texts, with the intention of placing the art of portraiture in a wider historical and cultural context. The goal was twofold: to open up dialogue on the history of the portrait, and on the value of the book as an enduring form of visual expression." - Dorota Kozinska
Art Toronto 2024
October 16 – November 16, 2024
Art Toronto returns October 24-27 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre to celebrate its 25th anniversary, featuring over 100 galleries from Canada and around the world, including New York, London, Amsterdam, Reykjavík, Buenos Aires, and Seoul. Opening Night on October 24, a benefit for the McMichael Canadian Art Collection, kicks off the fair. This year's Focus exhibition, "the place to which we return," is curated by Rhéanne Chartrand, while Emily Butler’s curated program of Platform Talks brings together leading art experts to discuss creating a resilient, more inclusive art world. Visitors can also explore large-scale installations and enjoy guided tours led by artists, curators, and collectors.
Anne-Renée Hotte's solo show at Dazibao
"Fragmentary and intentionally enigmatic in its form, Song Circle offers a collection of vignettes, of tableaux where the quest for meaning competes with emotion’s immediacy. A subtle melancholy surfaces, related to solitude and to the pervasive sensation that comes with incessantly seeking out the other, which will invariably lead us back to our own feelings of confusion."
Lucie Rocher featured in
espace art actuel
"Dès son entrée dans l'aire exposition, le visiteur est frappé par l'unité visuelle de l'ensemble des oeuvres malgré leur matérialisation diverse. On y décèle un message clair: celui d'extirper la photographie de ses limites traditionnelles, que ce soit de son cadre physique ou de sa fonction représentative." - Valérie Hénault